- [CONTENTIO-67] - [UserPopulationMapping] At startup, the records corresponding to population mandatory fields does not disappear
- [CONTENTIO-77] - Simplify workflow definition for synchronization
- [CONTENTIO-78] - Metadata linked to the user population fields appear in mapping
- [CONTENTIO-79] - Contents synchro - Display not updated after mapping changes
- [CONTENTIO-80] - We need a more explicite message
- [CONTENTIO-81] - Error in log message
- [CONTENTIO-82] - SSC import and synchronize button should be available as soon as a SCC is created without restarting server
- [CONTENTIO-83] - NPE when the synchronizing content operator is not found
- [CONTENTIO-86] - A remote content can be imported twice
- [CONTENTIO-92] - Remove cast of remote values from AbstractSynchronizableContentsCollection
- [CONTENTIO-93] - Remove #getRemoteValues from LDAPCollectionHelper
- [CONTENTIO-95] - Multiple values are always converted as Object[] and cannot be set
- [CONTENTIO-96] - SCCSearchTool does not initialize its form correctly when already opened
- [CONTENTIO-97] - Unable to get my synchronizable contents in _admin
- [CONTENTIO-98] - Spell mistake "source de donnée"
- [CONTENTIO-99] - User population collection didn't synchronize correctly
- [CONTENTIO-101] - Invert AbstractStaticSynchronizableContentsCollection and AbstractSynchronizableContentsCollection inheritance
- [CONTENTIO-104] - Reading a user population SCC with an unexisting metadata fails
- [CONTENTIO-106] - Organization of remote values doesn't work on lists
- [CONTENTIO-108] - Remove obsolete class variables from LDAP SCC implementation
- [CONTENTIO-111] - [Test] Ivy needs to be update for tests
- [CONTENTIO-112] - [Tests] Some workflows in test reference the web plugin
- [CONTENTIO-113] - Sort the fields alphabetically in the administration
- [CONTENTIO-119] - Null value of common ancestors not tested
- [CONTENTIO-120] - [Tests] Avoid using the internal database
- [CONTENTIO-125] - CSV import fails on date
- [CONTENTIO-126] - unable to delete content without title via synchro
- [CONTENTIO-129] - The english catalog contains french translations
- [CONTENTIO-130] - The dialog box to import content from a file use a old icon instead of glyph
- [CONTENTIO-131] - Initial width of first column is too small for UserPopulationMapping
- [CONTENTIO-38] - Handle SQL synchronization
- [CONTENTIO-100] - Create unit tests for SCC
- [CONTENTIO-103] - Split AbstractSynchronizableContentsCollection to have generic protected methods
- [CONTENTIO-105] - Tests : Modify the LDAP reference
- [CONTENTIO-114] - Remove SQL choice in a synchronisation as the SQL synchro does not work
- [CONTENTIO-71] - Add methods to import/synchronize one content only
- [CONTENTIO-72] - Add a search method to SynchronizeContentsCollection
- [CONTENTIO-73] - Split AbstractSynchronizableContentsCollection to isolate configuration methods
- [CONTENTIO-74] - Add a parameter to synchronize only existing contents
- [CONTENTIO-75] - Add an additional filter on synchronized contents from a population
- [CONTENTIO-90] - Add logs informations
- [CONTENTIO-91] - Replace SCCClientSideElementHelper to make it generic
- [CONTENTIO-94] - Add precision in metadata import/synchro error message
- [CONTENTIO-118] - Allow to exclude a SCC from automatic right context assignment
- [CONTENTIO-121] - Use ContentWorfklowHelper for SynchronizableContentsCollection
- [CONTENTIO-122] - Externalize some methods from the common implementation of SCC
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