- [CONTENTIO-156] - Synchronisation of geocode is not handle in BaseSynschroComponent
- [CONTENTIO-191] - [CSV Import] Should not refuse import on linked contents which are abstract
- [CONTENTIO-200] - Import NUMBER types from SQL database are always stored as Double
- [CONTENTIO-212] - CSV Import dialog box : red tick
- [CONTENTIO-213] - CSV Import dialog box : tab key
- [CONTENTIO-214] - CVS Import : error on model is not clear
- [CONTENTIO-215] - Error reading from InputStream java.io.IOException when exporting SQL content
- [CONTENTIO-217] - CSV Import is a giant memory leak
- [CONTENTIO-218] - Missing content on ODF exports
- [CONTENTIO-235] - NPE during import of empty multiple value
- [CONTENTIO-239] - [Synchro] Check data is externalizable on the current SCC instead of any one
- [CONTENTIO-241] - [Synchro] Title are not well imported if there is several languages
- [CONTENTIO-249] - NotifyObserver called durring user synchro even if user has not changed
- [CONTENTIO-253] - [CSV import] Title with only figures are not supported
- [CONTENTIO-258] - [CSV Import] The import does not work when no header matches an attribute
- [CONTENTIO-259] - CSV import does not work anymore with multiple in repeaters
- [CONTENTIO-260] - Import CSV, when referencing an optional content : it is not optionnal anymore
New Feature
- [CONTENTIO-232] - [CSV Import] Allow selection of multiple attributes as id for the import
- [CONTENTIO-161] - [Synchro] Use the EditContentFunction for content synchro
- [CONTENTIO-216] - SCC.getExternalOnlyFields() is useless
- [CONTENTIO-220] - [Synchro] Migrate parameters to new API
- [CONTENTIO-221] - [Synchro] Migrate use of Id Fields to new API
- [CONTENTIO-222] - [Synchro] Simplify the synchro API
- [CONTENTIO-230] - Use InternalDataHolder to get and set scc property on synchronized contents
- [CONTENTIO-231] - Review validateContent methods of SCC
- [CONTENTIO-242] - ValidateSynchronizedContentFunction is not well called
- [CONTENTIO-224] - [CSV Import] Use default workflow for subcontents
- [CONTENTIO-226] - SQL SCC: Add conversion of date format
- [CONTENTIO-228] - [CSV Import] Send a mail at the end
- [CONTENTIO-233] - SCCClientSideElement should merge eixsting opentool-params
- [CONTENTIO-234] - Imported content name
- [CONTENTIO-236] - Display filename in end notif
- [CONTENTIO-237] - import CSV starting message
- [CONTENTIO-238] - ImportCSV and automatic identifier check
- [CONTENTIO-240] - Synchronized contents: Don't throw an exception on invalid attribute values
- [CONTENTIO-244] - [Synchro] Do not notify observers if there is no change
- [CONTENTIO-248] - Makes ContentImporter prioritizable
- [CONTENTIO-250] - SCC: Add the (hidden) column ID in configuration tool
- [CONTENTIO-252] - Move "contentio" workflow to plugins
- [CONTENTIO-255] - Lors de l'ajout d'un contact sur un cours l'autocomplétion sur le nom / prénom ne fonctionne pas
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