- [CONTENTIO-208] - Field mapping with several LDAP connections
- [CONTENTIO-271] - NPE when displaying SCC in _admin when content-type is unknown
- [CONTENTIO-282] - [LDAP SCC] The pagination setting is missing in configuration
- [CONTENTIO-284] - SQL export does not work on an ODF application
- [CONTENTIO-286] - The "Supprimer les contenus obsolètes" parameter is not taken into account on automatic synchronization
- [CONTENTIO-287] - Impossible to use synchronized fields with disabled conditions
- [CONTENTIO-294] - ContentExportSchedulable is not displayed in error when it actually failed
- [CONTENTIO-297] - Problem when importing csv file in tableref
- [CONTENTIO-298] - CSV import fail if we try to replace repeater entry with long as identifier
- [CONTENTIO-288] - Refactor the whole synchronization process so that no workflow step is registered unnecessarily
- [CONTENTIO-290] - [Synchro] Add infos about last synchro in Properties tool
- [CONTENTIO-291] - [CSV import] Do not register workflow step unnecessarily
- [CONTENTIO-293] - Show SCC tasks progress in task scheduler
- [CONTENTIO-296] - Allow SQL export of unknown data types
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