Release Notes - Calendar - Version 2.6.0 - HTML format


  • [CAL-93] - Dates incorrect on calendars (events calendar, full size calendar)
  • [CAL-94] - Events from other sites break the skin
  • [CAL-97] - Error with ics cal when selecting a tag
  • [CAL-98] - Calendar and Agenda not displayed on nightly
  • [CAL-99] - A news without end date is not present in agenda or calendar


  • [CAL-91] - Create an automatic migration script to migrate agenda and calendar services


  • [CAL-90] - Add search context to filter events by site in full-sized calendar
  • [CAL-95] - Enable distant ICS file in agenda service
  • [CAL-96] - display information when ical limit size is reached

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