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  1. CMS
  2. CMS-4797 Migrate resource explorer in ExtJS 4.2
  3. CMS-4807

Simple explorer tool reload policy on open.


      When opening the simple explorer tool through the tool manager :

      Ametys.tool.ToolsManager.openTool('uitool-simple-resources-explorer', {});

      If the tool is already opened, the explorer tree is systematically reloaded and the resource root node is selected.
      This looks like a regression because in the previous version if the tool was already opened, the current selection was preserved (and perhaps the current selected node was reloaded but I am not sure).

      This is important to preserve interaction mechanism with some other tools (the rights assignment tool on the /resources context in my case).

            laurence Laurence Aumeunier
            trizzi Thibaut Rizzi (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
