Uploaded image for project: 'CMS'
  1. CMS
  2. CMS-564

Additional data grows at each save in structured contents


      Here's a simple structured content definition with an image and a html editor :

      <form description="Article">
      	<image id="image" max-width="300" max-height="300" label="Image" required="false">
      			<field id="alt-text" required="false" label="Légende photo">
      				<datatype base="string"/>
      	<htmleditor id="content" label="Contenu" required="true">

      The first time we save the content (if an image was submited), a new additional data is created for the image.

      If the content is edited again and if a new version is created (the html editor content must be modified) without changing the image, it will create a new additional data pointing to the same image.
      And every time the content is modified, a new additional data is created

      So if you have a content with one image, you'll have one element in it's data for the first version, two for the second version, and so on.

            yabon Sébastien Launay (Inactive)
            nesteso Nicolas Esteso (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
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