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  1. Queries directory
  2. QUERIES-104

[Script binding] QueriesDirectory.query on Solr query


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 2.3.0
    • 2.3.0
    • None
    • 4.3 RC1

      Steps to reproduce:

      1. Open the Solr tool
      2. Create a Solr query with content type article
      3. Execute it and check the number of retrieved elements
      4. Save it in the queries directory
      5. Open the script tool
      6. Create a script calling the stored query and couting the number of results:
        return QueriesDirectory.query("query://72dacf21-fdab-4177-a434-59a11effeef3").getSize();
      7. The number of contents is not the same, it seems that the content type is ignored

            raphael Raphaël Franchet
            bmaurel Bérénice Maurel
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
