New Feature
Resolution: Fixed
To be fixed: problem of width that occurs sometimes (see screenshot)
Tasks to do :
- decomment the code in kernel.xsl and workspace.xsl to see the feature
add the "keywords" config for the controllers to improve the search with lunr (right now done as an example for only two controllers, "org.ametys.web.userinterface.AddPage" and "org.ametys.web.templatesmenu")- change the label of enabled and disabled groups which are currently hardcoded in French ("Boutons disponibles" and "Boutons indisponibles")
- see if the values of boost provide relevant search results
- change the values of searchMenuMaxResults and searchMenuMaxDisabledResults if necessary
display the menu items with a title different from the ribbon controller (for instance we have a lot of "Nouveau") ?- do not add the items of a menu in the search menu (or at least disable them when the selection is not correct, example of templates for a page as "Blog", "Billet", "Accueil"...)