Uploaded image for project: 'Skin Intranet Cards'
  1. Skin Intranet Cards
  2. SKINCARDS-146

Add a search view to display videos on the home page


    • Icon: Improvement Improvement
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 1.13.0
    • 1.11.0
    • None
    • None
    • 4.8.0 M2

      This search service displays video content.

      The first thumbnail of the video appears larger on the left.
      The title and the first characters of the summary of the first video (or if it does not exist the "Content" field) are displayed on the right

      When hovering over the other thumbnails, the title and text of each is displayed

      When clicking on a thumbnail:

      • either we access the page that includes the content in full view
      • either we view the video in a popup directly on the home page

        1. image-2023-08-29-17-00-43-695.png
          207 kB
          Laurence Aumeunier
        2. image-2023-08-29-17-17-12-966.png
          132 kB
          Laurence Aumeunier
        3. image-2023-08-29-17-27-55-991.png
          185 kB
          Laurence Aumeunier
        4. videos.png
          139 kB
          Laurence Perier

            laurence Laurence Aumeunier
            lperier Laurence Perier
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
