In our xsl code (head.xsl) we have 3 variables which are main texts to be changed on project, there are defined as this:
<script type="text/javascript"> tarteaucitron.lang.disclaimer = "<i18n:text i18n:key='SKIN_TARTEAUCITRON_DISCLAIMER' i18n:catalogue='skin.{$skin}'/>"; tarteaucitron.lang.alertBigPrivacy = "<i18n:text i18n:key='SKIN_TARTEAUCITRON_ALERT_BIG_PRIVACY' i18n:catalogue='skin.{$skin}'/>"; tarteaucitron.lang.title = "<i18n:text i18n:key='SKIN_TARTEAUCITRON_TITLE' i18n:catalogue='skin.{$skin}'/>" </script>
These variables are taken into account in tarteaucitron.js code to be replaced by their i18n key value but not in tarteaucitron.en.js (the same for others languages)
Is-it possible to improve it please ?