Export - CSV (All fields)
Export - CSV (Current fields)
- RUNTIME-1645
[Editor/Table] The diablog box for editing is not good looking - RUNTIME-1641
[Editor/General] Style properties and CSS classes have to be declared - RUNTIME-1635
[Editor/Link] External link with long href has broken layout - RUNTIME-1634
[Editor/General] Richtext is slow - RUNTIME-1632
[Editor/General] Review insertAtRoot API - RUNTIME-1617
[Editor/Table] Contextual table tab blinks when removing a row or a column from the table - RUNTIME-1616
[Editor/General] EditorField disable then enable himself on selection changing, creating unnecessary events - RUNTIME-1612
[Editor/Image] Need to clear Tinymce width and height cached data before changing them - RUNTIME-1611
[Editor/Image] Image ratio is not respected due to consecutive rounding - RUNTIME-1610
[Editor/General] The NodeChange event should be thrown even if the IFrame is not focused - RUNTIME-1607
[Editor/General] Have a tour on all buttons to fix some general stuffs - RUNTIME-1606
[Editor/Table] The widget for cells size is not correctly drawn - RUNTIME-1604
[Editor/List] List style "custom" block some keyboard interactions, in Edge - RUNTIME-1603
[Editor/Expert] Editor is reset when the mouse moves, in IE11 - RUNTIME-1602
[Editor/Link] Link created by typing directly in the richtext can't be "modified" - RUNTIME-1601
[Editor/Link] Unable to create a link on an existing selected text in IE11 - RUNTIME-1600
[Editor/List] Switching between ordered and unordered list lose the current selection in IE11 - RUNTIME-1598
[Editor/Image] Losing focus on image when resizing with field spin buttons, in IE11 - RUNTIME-1597
[Editor/Image] Image lose focus when clicking on it, in IE11 - RUNTIME-1593
[Editor/General] Anchor boxes stays when switching between FullPage and Preview mode - RUNTIME-1592
[Editor/Table] Unable to add a space between two adjacent table in IE/Edge - RUNTIME-1590
[Editor/List] You can resize with anchors a list item with the the style "custom" in IE - RUNTIME-1588
[Editor/Text] Transforming a normal text into a title adds a paragraph in IE10 - RUNTIME-1587
[Editor/Image] Resizing an image with the field spin buttons behave strangly - RUNTIME-1586
[Editor/General] IE10 on Windows 8.0 crashes when the richtext is empty and invalid - RUNTIME-1584
[Editor/Expert] HTML Expert special code are not interpreted when displaying the content - RUNTIME-1583
[Editor/Table] Inserting a row in a table with a column header transform the table in a full <th> table - RUNTIME-1582
[Editor/Text] Unable to focus the richtext field after setting a paragraph style - RUNTIME-1581
[Editor/Image] Setting the image heigh in the ribbon field changes its width, in firefox - RUNTIME-1580
[Editor/General] Inconsistent background color for richtext field between browsers - RUNTIME-1579
[Editor/General] It is possible to break the sync between the code editor and the standard editor - RUNTIME-1578
[Editor/Table] Can't merge table cells because the button stay disabled - RUNTIME-1577
[Editor/Table] Can't set cell alignment when selecting the whole cell - RUNTIME-1576
[Editor/Table] Text alignment for table cell is lost on save or on html code mode - RUNTIME-1574
[Editor/Table] Unable to insert a table inside a table cell - RUNTIME-1573
[Editor/List] Switching the type of list only applies the default decoration - RUNTIME-1572
[Editor/List] The list buttons do not react to the current selection - RUNTIME-1571
[Editor/Text] Text alignment is lost on save or on html code mode - RUNTIME-1570
[Editor/Text] The text class combobox does not show the correct value - RUNTIME-1569
[Editor/Image] Clicking on an image does not trigger the contextual tab if some text was selected before. - RUNTIME-1568
[Editor/Image] JS error in console when un-focusing an image - RUNTIME-1567
[Editor/General] You can send invalid HTML code when saving in code mode - RUNTIME-1566
[Editor/General] Field in ribbon make the RichText field lose focus - RUNTIME-1565
[Editor/Image] Resize anchor are wrongly placed on initial focus on image - RUNTIME-1564
[Editor/Image] When pressing backspace, the new line is removed instead of my picture - RUNTIME-1563
[Editor/Image] Can't insert shared pictures twice in a row - RUNTIME-1561
[Editor/Image] Shared pictured are not focused when inserted - RUNTIME-1560
[Editor/General] Source view does not have an horizontal scrollbar - RUNTIME-1559
[Editor/General] Content is not dirty when editing a RichText
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