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- CMS-9461
Image from ressource explorer in a shared content is not displayed - CMS-9448
Copy content fails if a rich text contain a link with a mailto - CMS-9438
Lost password service should use a unique identifier - CMS-9437
Lost password service should not insert an empty ul with no error - CMS-9436
Lost password service should not display the population dropdown when there is only one choice - CMS-9429
Cannot login to the admin of the site when the configuration if not complete - CMS-9426
Mimimizer fails with @import(//resource.css) - CMS-9423
Sometime, SitesTool.setParams is called with a null param and this crash the CMS - CMS-8376
wrapper.xsl remove all css if one of them don't have a href - CMS-8319
The "User preferences" service button should appear in the "user account management" section - CMS-8166
creation of a folder with an incompatible name throws an AmetysRepositoryException
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