- [NEWSLETTER-216] - Unable to restore a newsletter content
- [NEWSLETTER-219] - The value of the param siteName is missing in the stylesheet of the demo skin
- [NEWSLETTER-223] - Unable to restore previous version
- [NEWSLETTER-226] - No error message when newsletter subscription failed
- [NEWSLETTER-227] - Translations not found
- [NEWSLETTER-228] - SubscriberDAO does not declare a dependency to runtime.datasource.core
- [NEWSLETTER-229] - A newsletter is not validated if user answer 'no' on confirm box
- [NEWSLETTER-230] - Error when creating a category with an existing name
- [NEWSLETTER-232] - "Lang"' next to the language combobox of the tree
- [NEWSLETTER-233] - Switching languages in the tree has no effect
- [NEWSLETTER-234] - Controller error when selecting a newsletter category
- [NEWSLETTER-236] - Several languages of translation in the same dialog box
- [NEWSLETTER-237] - LF5 warning after clicking the 'Add newsletter' button
- [NEWSLETTER-238] - Unable to add a newsletter in an empty category (buttons disabled)
- [NEWSLETTER-239] - Mistakes in i18n translations
- [NEWSLETTER-240] - The images of "insert the latest publications" should be encoded in Base64
- [NEWSLETTER-241] - 'Add newsletter' and 'Automatic newsletters' buttons are not refreshed after selecting a template on a newletter category
- [NEWSLETTER-242] - New newsletter dialog is badly positionned, offsets the whole cms
- [NEWSLETTER-244] - After deleting a newsletter, its category is selected but the contextual ribbon tab is not displayed
- [NEWSLETTER-245] - Unable to send a newsletter : NullPointer getBodyAsHTML
- [NEWSLETTER-246] - Can't send a newsletter : NPE
- [NEWSLETTER-247] - Can't use both buttons : Import subscriber and Add subscribers
- [NEWSLETTER-249] - Ibatis error when accessing the database
- [NEWSLETTER-250] - CleanUp configuration of richtext
- [NEWSLETTER-251] - Spellmistake "Intégrer les images par les mails"
- [NEWSLETTER-254] - Out of memory error when sending newsletter
- [NEWSLETTER-255] - The "automatic" button is active whereas it should not
- [NEWSLETTER-256] - For each newsletter validated, the CMS is longer until it uses all the RAM
- [NEWSLETTER-257] - In the model.xml we should be able to add css classes that does not disappear when the content is edited with tinymce
- [NEWSLETTER-258] - In the model.xml, we should be able to insert img tags
- [NEWSLETTER-260] - The new feature to add email adresses does not work
- [NEWSLETTER-262] - Unable to save rich text of a newsletter when I insert last publication with comments
- [NEWSLETTER-264] - For newsletter GA Tracking, Open and Send Events labels are not identicals
- [NEWSLETTER-265] - Open event action parameters not properly set
New Feature
- [NEWSLETTER-259] - NewsletterRightsContextConvertor should return a newsletter ContentType
- [NEWSLETTER-224] - Migration to 4.0.0
- [NEWSLETTER-200] - Remove a subscriber to a newsletter
- [NEWSLETTER-206] - Error when importing an empty list of subscribers.
- [NEWSLETTER-243] - Add and remove subscribers to the newsletter
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