Resolution: Fixed
4.1 RC3
- Open default Search Tool
- Launch a search
- Click on a title of a result to be in "edition" mode
- Change its value
- On the yellow top panel, click on Cancel, then "Yes" button
- Nothing happens and a JS error logs in the console.
- What's more, the tool cannot be closed, as clicking on the cross produces the same result
EditContentsGrid.js:1059 Uncaught TypeError: this._lockOrUnlockContent is not a function at EditContentsGrid.js:1059 at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) at Object.Ext.Array.ExtArray.forEach (ext-all-debug.js:3302) at constructor._unsaveEditionCB (EditContentsGrid.js:1057) at ext-all-debug.js:7101 at Object.callback (ext-all-debug.js:9249) at constructor.userCallback (ext-all-debug.js:7119) at constructor.btnCallback (ext-all-debug.js:186241) at Object.callback (ext-all-debug.js:9249) at constructor.fireHandler (ext-all-debug.js:158420) (anonymous) @ EditContentsGrid.js:1059 Ext.Array.ExtArray.forEach @ ext-all-debug.js:3302 _unsaveEditionCB @ EditContentsGrid.js:1057 (anonymous) @ ext-all-debug.js:7101 callback @ ext-all-debug.js:9249 (anonymous) @ ext-all-debug.js:7119 btnCallback @ ext-all-debug.js:186241 callback @ ext-all-debug.js:9249 fireHandler @ ext-all-debug.js:158420 onClick @ ext-all-debug.js:158402 fire @ ext-all-debug.js:21913 fire @ ext-all-debug.js:36708 publish @ ext-all-debug.js:36668 publishDelegatedDomEvent @ ext-all-debug.js:36690 doDelegatedEvent @ ext-all-debug.js:36734 onDelegatedEvent @ ext-all-debug.js:36721
- Est dupliqué par
CMS-9036 Unable to cancel inline edition in the EditContentGrid
- Closed