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AmetysXSLThelper : user function failsCMS-5202
Support of Chrome 31-35CMS-5183
Browser test should be inactivated using a config parameterCMS-5114
Error in the message "augmenter le retrait" / "diminuer le retrait"CMS-5111
Check for workflow reference before removal.CMS-5068
Support of FF 25-30CMS-5051
No size for iterator when searching from a static filterCMS-4981
Configuration label in english is wrongCMS-4956
Creating a tag that has the same name than a tag from the skin create a tag with the same IDCMS-4880
Error when changing the link to a file to downloadCMS-4754
GroupsTool pagination is not working.CMS-4611
Close all the streamCMS-4590
Jetty should be launched with more than 2 acceptorsCMS-4566
[Demo] Export form data is not available in ribbonCMS-4564
We should have the type of document in the result of a search when it is about a resource to download
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