Export - CSV (All fields)
Export - CSV (Current fields)
Sort the fields alphabetically in the administrationCONTENTIO-68
[LDAP synchro] when editing a collection synchronized with LDAP, the mapping widget is not visually setCONTENTIO-66
Force to current title if remote value of title is emptyCONTENTIO-65
If an error occurs while saving changes for a content, the next imported contents will failCONTENTIO-64
admin tooltip error in mappingCONTENTIO-62
When importing a content, there is a NPE when trying to index itCONTENTIO-61
NPE when synchronizing in IndexContentObserverCONTENTIO-60
[Synchro] When creating a new collection, the parameter "Workflow" could have a default valueCONTENTIO-58
When editing a collection with a UserPopulation mapping, the grid does not contain the columns for each user directoryCONTENTIO-57
When editing a collection, the grid for editing the mapping does not appearCONTENTIO-56
Restricted field is lost when saving a synchronization modelCONTENTIO-55
When remote value is empty for an unsynchronized field, the local value is not removedCONTENTIO-54
Invalidate cache during synchronization processCONTENTIO-52
Unable to create a page due to SynchronizedRootContentHelperCONTENTIO-51
Wrong path of contents root nodeCONTENTIO-50
Unabel to access front because of SynchronizedRootContentHelperCONTENTIO-49
When editing trying to edit a collection while the tool is already opened, the form is duplicatedCONTENTIO-48
The synchronization can fail during the deletion of unexisting contentsCONTENTIO-47
Metadata linked to user's login is emptyCONTENTIO-44
When creating a new collection, the abstract content types are in the comboboxCONTENTIO-43
The validation of contents after import failedCONTENTIO-42
Import fails when the metadata chosen for title contains only numbersCONTENTIO-41
Add a PopulationConsumer for collectionsCONTENTIO-40
Add a DataSourceConsumer for collectionsCONTENTIO-39
Add a CollectionDataSourceConsumer to known if a data source is in use by collectionCONTENTIO-37
Add workflow steps button for contents with workflow name "contentio"CONTENTIO-36
The LDAP import only synchronize 100 contentsCONTENTIO-35
Imported contents are not indexed by global indexing processCONTENTIO-34
Error when synchronizing a userpopulation collectionCONTENTIO-33
If an error occured during synchro, and no mail address is indicated, a NPE will occurCONTENTIO-32
Do not store the empty attributes in mapping of remote sourcesCONTENTIO-31
The collection mapping should not store the label of metadataCONTENTIO-30
Add the content type and type of source as columns in collections toolCONTENTIO-29
Add a "Close without saving" button for collection editionCONTENTIO-28
Edit collection tool should be in dirty state as soon as there are changesCONTENTIO-27
Reorganize edit collection toolCONTENTIO-26
Unable to edit a contentCONTENTIO-25
Add a label to content operatorCONTENTIO-24
A collection should be editable on double clicCONTENTIO-23
Add the ability import and synchronize a collection of contents with external dataCONTENTIO-18
Handle content references importCONTENTIO-17
Move import's right to "administration" categoryCONTENTIO-16
Encoding error after importing a XML content
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