Export - CSV (All fields)
Export - CSV (Current fields)
Improve the Expressions to be able to query unversioned metadatas - REPOSITORY-116
Add the forum to the docs - REPOSITORY-115
Impossible to execute a query in the repository workspace - REPOSITORY-114
Unable to getPath() on a versionned content - REPOSITORY-113
Readme and others 2.0 references has to be changed to 2.1 - REPOSITORY-112
In properties form panel, a white space increase to each reload - REPOSITORY-111
Remove assign icon iun admin - REPOSITORY-110
XPATH query window - REPOSITORY-109
XPATH Query : re opening the window - REPOSITORY-108
When lucene crash during a xpath request the client side is freezed - REPOSITORY-105
Renaming an AmetysObject should keep its ordering - REPOSITORY-104
Update the VirtualAmetysObjectFactory API - REPOSITORY-103
Create a new class saxing metadatas, without the need for metadata definitions - REPOSITORY-102
Create an interface for Ametys Objects on which could be set Dublin Core metadata - REPOSITORY-101
DefaultAmetysObject.lock() could be called while the underlying node is checked-in - REPOSITORY-99
no break line when using 'println' in the console - REPOSITORY-95
Create a multiple metadata - REPOSITORY-87
Console: alignment in cosole editor - REPOSITORY-86
Console: Cursor on the top right - REPOSITORY-85
Display a waiting message while properties are loading - REPOSITORY-84
Sort properties by name, begining with standard jcr:* properties - REPOSITORY-83
when a Reference property is empty, the value is displayed as "undefined" but is blue and underlined - REPOSITORY-81
When editing a property, properties below that one "shift" down graphically - REPOSITORY-70
Add the possibility to execute SQL query on repsoitory - REPOSITORY-10
Repository icon
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