Release Notes - Survey - Version 2.0.0 - HTML format


  • [SURVEY-124] - JS error after adding a multiple choices list with many options
  • [SURVEY-125] - The survey should be expanded after editing a page
  • [SURVEY-126] - JS error when opening statistics tool
  • [SURVEY-127] - Statistics tool throws JS error if it is open at startup
  • [SURVEY-128] - An error occurred when reinitializing a validated survey
  • [SURVEY-129] - Missing user and group icons in limit access tool
  • [SURVEY-130] - Missing survey title in tooltip for sending invitation
  • [SURVEY-131] - Number of authorized users in missing in "Invitations" tooltip
  • [SURVEY-132] - Missing page's title in tooltip for redirection page
  • [SURVEY-133] - SurveyEnumerator : pageId is not retrieved leading to a NullPointerException
  • [SURVEY-134] - Branches dialog box : the graphical aspect is not the same as the previous versions
  • [SURVEY-139] - Wrong icon path in survey invitation ribbon
  • [SURVEY-140] - SurveyAnswerDao does not declare a dependency to runtime.datasource.core
  • [SURVEY-141] - Invitation tool error when opened on startup
  • [SURVEY-142] - Missing survey's name in tooltip for validating the survey
  • [SURVEY-145] - The survey preview tool is reset when it loses focus
  • [SURVEY-147] - Columns shouldn't be configurable in the "new choice" dialog
  • [SURVEY-148] - Layout problem on the "new matrix" dialog
  • [SURVEY-149] - Layout problem on the branches dialog
  • [SURVEY-150] - The survey access limitations work with BO users and groups instead of FO ones
  • [SURVEY-151] - Invitation emails doesn't work
  • [SURVEY-152] - Typo in "send invitation" button label and description in french
  • [SURVEY-153] - Branch dialog moves to the bottom of the screen
  • [SURVEY-154] - Matrix dialog layout is wrong
  • [SURVEY-155] - [Export2HTML] Display bug in dialog
  • [SURVEY-156] - Ibatis error when accessing the database
  • [SURVEY-157] - NPE when selecting the invitation tool
  • [SURVEY-158] - The limit access tool keeps entries corresponding to deleted FO users / FO groups
  • [SURVEY-160] - Missing icon on "HTML Code" button
  • [SURVEY-161] - Error when selecting the blog sitemap "Cannot read property 'SurveyDAO'"
  • [SURVEY-162] - JS file not found in the SurveyPreviewTool
  • [SURVEY-163] - French typo when trying to reinitialize a survey
  • [SURVEY-164] - Unable to add granted users
  • [SURVEY-165] - JS error in the service "display a survey" : survey_alreadyTaken is not defined
  • [SURVEY-166] - Error when submitting a survey
  • [SURVEY-168] - Layout issue after adding a new rule in the branch dialog
  • [SURVEY-170] - Can't edit a question
  • [SURVEY-171] - Button for scheduling the opening is toggled when clicking
  • [SURVEY-173] - Granted users and groups should be stored into a root node
  • [SURVEY-175] - Error when focusing the invitation tool when no survey is selected
  • [SURVEY-177] - Translation not found for key 'PLUGINS_WEB_PAGEACCESS_AUTHORIZED_USERS' in catalogue 'plugin.web'
  • [SURVEY-179] - The height for options is too small
  • [SURVEY-180] - Preview tool: when tool is not focused , two background are visible
  • [SURVEY-182] - Unable to add choice in a matrix or list of choice
  • [SURVEY-183] - NPE when submitting a public survey
  • [SURVEY-184] - Anonymous user can answer several time to a survey
  • [SURVEY-185] - CSS form.css not found
  • [SURVEY-186] - An invalid domain was specified for this cookie
  • [SURVEY-187] - 1% is displayed instead of 100%
  • [SURVEY-188] - Multiple warnings in logs on SurveyAccessController
  • [SURVEY-190] - When scheduling a survey, the dialog does not display the previous scheduled dates
  • [SURVEY-191] - A double quote in a question cause an error


  • [SURVEY-123] - Migration for Ametys v4.0
  • [SURVEY-174] - Create SVG icons to be used as font
  • [SURVEY-176] - Migrate access limitation on new rights management


  • [SURVEY-117] - Display statistics into a new window to be able to print it...
  • [SURVEY-136] - Add scheduling dates to survey participation
  • [SURVEY-137] - New summary data export for surveys
  • [SURVEY-172] - The private surveys must be based on the new right manager system
  • [SURVEY-178] - Add pictures to survey, page survey and question
  • [SURVEY-181] - Save form survey in cookie

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